Hybrid inheritance is a combination of multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance. A class is derived from two classes as in multiple inheritance(Multiple Inheritance is a feature of C++ where a class can inherit fr...
Both C and C++ compilers support all thebuilt-in(also known asbasicor fundamental) data types. Withthe exception of void, the basicdata types may have several modifierspreceding them to serve the needs of various situati...
Classes can be defined and used inside afunction or a block. Such classes are called local classes. Examples: void test (int a) // function { …………. ………...
This C++ Program converts decimal to binary value. The program takes a number as the input and prints out the binary form of the number using a recursive function which is given the number as the parameter. #inclu...
A Stack is a linear data structure which is used to store data in a particular order. Two operations that can be performed on a Stack are: Push operation which inserts an element into the stack. Pop operation which remov...
Overloading refers to the use of the same thing for different purposes. C++ also permits overloading of functions. This means that we can use the same function name to create functions that perform a variety of different...
A class can inherit the attributes of two or more classes. This is known as multiple inheritance. Multiple Inheritance allows us to combine the features of several existing classes as a starting point for defining new cl...
Today I have just learned about Inheritance in C++ programming. I thought I should share what I learnt today !! I hope it will be helpful for anyone... Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming can be described as a pr...
Hello there I have just started learning C++. At my college we use Turbo C++ but I don't like that compiler because I think its outdated. For this reason I use and like Codeblocks. Because its more advanced then Turbo. ...
Hello there Today I have started learning file management functions at C and C++. I have wrote a program to take input some integers from user and save them into a txt file. In the program I have used append mode to tak...
I have just wrote the linear search program today. here is the code . . . #include <iostream>using namespace std;int main (){int data[] = {10,20,36,98,55,200,258,986,458,88};int i,k...
C & C++ are computer programming languages that are used to write programs to communicate with computer. Lets see what is the difference between these two programming languages. C programming language...C is a mi...
Today I have just write a simple program to find factorial of a number. I have done this for college. I have wrote and run the code with CodeBlocks But when I was trying to run the code with trubo it was giving wrong res...
Hello there I am doing a simple C programming project. For the project I will need to use two dimensional array and also will need to store all the array data/elements in my HDD. I mean after exiting the program interre...
Hello guys I am a student of Computer Technology. I am studying C/C++ and very soon will start Java. Its really hard to study three language at a time. But there is no way to avoid this ! Because I have to study C/C++ a...