
Stack in C++ programming

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Stack in C++ programming

A Stack is a linear data structure which is used to store data in a particular order. Two operations that can be performed on a Stack are: Push operation which inserts an element into the stack. Pop operation which removes the last element that was added into the stack. It follows Last In First Out(LIFO) Order. Today I have just studied about Stack and thought I should share a program of Stack here with you all.

#include < iostream.h >
#include < stdlib.h >
#include < stdio.h >

class IntStack
   IntStack(int num) {  top = 0; maxelem = num; s = new int[maxelem]; }
   void  push(int t)
      if (top == maxelem) return;
      s[top++] = t;
   int pop()
      if (top == 0) return -1;
      return s[--top];
   void display()
     if (top == 0) { cout push(2);


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