
What is your preferred font family for your site?

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What is your preferred font family for your site?

When designing a website, which font family do you most often use? Such as what font family is in your style sheet for various sections of your site, such as your menu, header, etc?


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I quite like open sans as a body font as it's clean and professional.
The heading font can often vary, depending on what the design is I am making.

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I prefer helvetica. As they look professional.

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I often use Lato in my headers with the font weight at 300, although Lato is not a default font I don't mind using the stylesheet from google fonts because it's a good font. What is your preferred font family for your site?

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14px is the perfect font size for any website...

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My website front size is 13 pixels. I think it is the standard size for our website.

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Josefin Slab family font is very good for website .It looks professional. I prefer 14 Pixel for font size.

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my website Font is 12

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