
How to create a WebBrowser in Visual Studio (

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How to create a WebBrowser in Visual Studio (

To create a WebBrowser in Visual Studio ( we will need the following components:

4- Buttons
-Set Text of Button1 “Navigate
-Set Text of Button2 “Back
-Set Text of Button3 “Forward
-Set Text of Button4 “Refresh
1- Textbox

You will find all components in “Toolbox” , which is located in left side of Visual Studio.

How to change the text of button?
-Click to that button which you want to change text, and change it from the properties menu.
Properties menu is located in the right side of visual studio.
For example : in this photo I’m changing text of button1 , which is the “Navigate” Button

How to create a WebBrowser in Visual Studio (

After adding all components ,the form will look like as is in photo

How to create a WebBrowser in Visual Studio (

Now we should add the function to each button, to do that simply follow steps below:

1.Double click to "Navigate" button and add this code :


2.Double click to “Back” button and add this code:

3.Double click to “Forward” button and add this code:

4.Double click to “Refresh” button and add this code:

5. Click "Start" to run the software

How to create a WebBrowser in Visual Studio (

WebBrowser in Action....

How to create a WebBrowser in Visual Studio (

Happy Coding How to create a WebBrowser in Visual Studio (


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