

This a html based calculator with Css fully designing app

This a html based calculator with Css fully designing...

This is a html based calculator with Css fully designing app for And...

CLOTHING - Responsive Multipurpose HTML5 Template

CLOTHING - Responsive Multipurpose HTML5 Template

CLOTHING is a professional e-commerce website template coded with HT...

Game X - Premium Blogger Template

Game X - Premium Blogger Template

Game X Blogger Template is a clean, modern and powerful gaming blogs...

Modern & Clean Resume / CV Template

Modern & Clean Resume / CV Template

Professional One Page Resume. Downloading the file will allow access...

Bootstrap Job Board Template - HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap4

Bootstrap Job Board Template - HTML, CSS, jQuery, Boo...

Job Board is your best free job directory website template with a st...

html simple website template

html simple website template

very simple website template with some features coded already in it!...



NT NEWS HTML5 CSS3 Template is a news website template, its loaded w...

Clock o Loading v1

Clock o Loading v1

Clock o loading is a new way to watch time in a different way throug...

Skilled John Doe Resume/Portfolio

Skilled John Doe Resume/Portfolio

Skilled John Doe Resume Portfolio is fully responsive Resume Portfol...

Simple Responsive porfolio

Simple Responsive porfolio

I once wanted to make a responsive portfolio. I didn t finish it, be...

professional HTML editor

professional HTML editor

I will give you a professional HTML editor. That is a real time HTML...

Instant Quote Estimator

Instant Quote Estimator

Responsive Instant Quote Estimator for insurance companies, web desi...

Clean Social Media Bar

Clean Social Media Bar

A clean vibrant social media share bar for your visitors to share th...

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