Protect WordPress from brute force attacks .. Add captcha and limit login attempts wp-admin and block IP temporarily . It is very easy, Just install wp-limit-login-attempts plugin
Common WordPress attack is Brute Force Attack. Brute Force Attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site: it tries usernames and passwords, over and over again, until it gets in. This plugin l... it's the best php learn tutorial..
What are the different tables present in mysql?
I'm not a programmer and don't specialize in programming. But I'd like to use php in some way as I think it would be a useful language to know. How easy or difficult would php be for a beginner or could you suggest an...
What is PEAR in php?
Please reply below with a few things that PHP can be used for. It can be things that you have used it for, it can be things you are wanting to do with it, or things you just have seen done with it around the net. ?