As a Marketer, you want to make sales and the key to success is to provide value to your clients. Many people trying to make sales just by showing the product to people and they hope to get some results. A lot of times spam their product or services to groups & DM's in social media. But, at the end of the day they make 0 sales and they don't even collect people's contacts information, so there's no follow up and all these prospects gone.
What a Sales Funnel does to change the game?
1) Collect visitor's contact information (Emails), for life!
2) Bring prospects, step by step, closer to your offer & convert them into real clients.
3) Allows you to upsell them to maximize your profits
4) Allows you to connect with tools like Email Autoresponder or Chatbot to do your follow-up and make more sales
The image below shows you how it works:
What some entrepreneurs doing and make millions with just a funnel?
The 5% of marketers out there make millions with this simple system, but how they're doing that? The answer is simple... they make people trust them. Just think about yourself, if you don't trust the marketer or the product will you buy? Probably not. That's the thing they give half of their focus on (the other half is the follow-up).
But, how can you make them like and trust you? By giving them value. For example, a free ebook about their niche, a discount code for your service, a free webinar, etc. They are gonna exchange their contact information for your value. And most of the time people want to learn more, so they buy.
If you provide value, they are gonna trust you and when they trust'll make sales. Just remember "The biggest money factory is trust".
~ Get 70% for every sale you get ~
Make money with this service from affiliate commissions.
Just provide value in Facebook Groups and send them to us through DM's.
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