
[For Template Creators] Is SEOclerks a good place to sell templates?

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[For Template Creators] Is SEOclerks a good place to sell templates?


I'm wondering if SEOclerks is a great place to sell templates, I have heard of Envato, but let's be serious SEOclerks seems to be much better with all the payment choices, etc etc.

I want to start creating templates again, and selling them on SEOclerks. I absolutely LOVE designing, graphics, CSS, and making web pages more pretty.

So are they any successful template creators whom get sales selling templates?

Kind Regards,


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We have a themes section... but it isn't released yet. About 90% of development has been completed for about 2 months now. Is this something many of you are interested in?

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We have a themes section... but it isn't released yet. About 90% of development has been completed for about 2 months now. Is this something many of you are interested in?

Hello Jordan,

I'm VERY interested in the theme section, and possibly users whom sell on other sites may even join just to sell on here too!
Hopefully a lot of theme/template designers make their way to SEOclerks! [For Template Creators] Is SEOclerks a good place to sell templates?

Kind Regards,

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Alright then, expect to see it shortly.

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Alright then, expect to see it shortly.

*gives you big manly bear hug*

FINALLY! [For Template Creators] Is SEOclerks a good place to sell templates?

Hopefully this section can bring in a lot of buyers whom need to make their web pages more beautiful.

Kind Regards,

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The themes section is a great idea, can't wait to see what pops up.

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Its Their Now[For Template Creators] Is SEOclerks a good place to sell templates?

Yeah I know, I meant there isn't much there yet and that we'll get some good templates soon.

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Hey Guys .. I Uploaded my Unique Designed Template at SEOCLERKS but still it not Appear.Can anyone tell me " How much time Seoclerks took for its verification Process.
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At my Account the given Below Screenshort Message appear but on clicking it show "Custom 404 Page".

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