
Wordpress web development services and code issues fixing for $25

95.7% (69)

Wordpress web development services and code issues fixing

We setup with WordPress, then move to building your own WordPressthemes and plugins from scratch.Wordpress web development services and code issues fixing for any WordPress website. Website development charges depend on the complication of design and requirements. Place order today solve issues in WordPress website, theme update, plug-ins, menu creation, CSS and much more. Place an order today.


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Yes I can do that please place order.

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Hi there can you make this change to my website on checkout please see where the red arrow is directly
under the checkout with paypil could you add this writing underneath thanks (Pay via PayPil; you can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPil account). If the writing needs to be on two lines to fit under the checkout with paypil so be it. You can remove the brackets from the text thanks. How much will this cost about $20 thanks can you change the i in paypil to a

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Hi, my site is on Wix, can you replicate it on WordPress?

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Yes i can do that. Please send me details and place order.

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website development wordpress 8 days $300
website development cusotomized 15 days $750
Ecommerce web development 20 days $1000
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