Fantastic service - the seller over delivered and also did a fantastic job in a quick period. Definitely a great traffic source. Will definitely work with him again! Good communication and good service - great combination!
Thank you very much! My traffic was in the top 18% of stores that launched the same week as I did. Now, it is in the top 4% - great work!!! Thank you, again, for this offer!
Delivered what it promised. Received the 50K hits to a website I designated. Good service, thanks! Will use again sometime in the future to help supplement marketing campaigns as I grow an audience. I recommend this service
Thanks... Thats an great one.. and thanks for the bonus... Looks great.. i highly recommend... Linkedin is one of the most important social share ... now i am thankfull to you..great work..
Very bad service, no response on chat. I paid 100 dollars, I got almost no work. I have 5 million traffic but only got 1800. Very bad. Please do not buy service from this person. Waste of money and time. No response when contacting.