
Portal for hosting and distribution of NonVoip-Numbers

Portal for hosting and distribution of NonVoip-Numbers

Hey There! There i a project whose launch is coming up in about 10 days.... specifically I need an privacy & security-side absolutely
bulletproof portal for hosting and distribution of NonVoip numbers. On
which customers can rent NonVoip numbers (Prepaid SIM cards hosted with
minimal gsm ports + API) of different nations for a certain period of
time (5 to 10 days) and receive live online SMS (mainly for anonymous
account verification purposes). Here is a sample of a pretty similar

Will Trade

I need a fully functional portal including:
Payment gateway
Partially automated order process
Live SMS
secure and anonymous
easy to administrate
SEO optimized and Google friendly

Skills Required

web devedopement portal coding API Webdesign php

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Make an Offer Created 4 years ago in Web

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