
Wanted who can edit my web script

Wanted who can edit my web script

Dear CodeClerks Republic,
I need your help to edit my website (just setup homepage and single page )
so that i can put ads code in my home page and single page
This is plugins from codecanyon ( TMDB plugins ), auto movie posting
many thanks Code Clerks
didit dotdut ....

nb : you can see my site ( ) and i want to make over homepage like a ( )

Will Trade

Dear CodeClerks Republic,
I need your help to edit my website (just setup homepage and single page )
so that i can put ads code in my home page and single page
This is plugins from codecanyon ( TMDB plugins ), auto movie posting
many thanks Code Clerks
didit dotdut ....

nb : you can see my site ( ) and i want to make over homepage like a ( )

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