User Login & Management System is a PHP + MySQLi powered PHP script built up under the CodeIgniter framework(version 3.x), that allows the registration and management of users with admin panel to manage them. It is providing secure login, authentication, authorization and complete user management.
It can be used as a base platform for any CodeIgniter based web applications.
Built with CodeIgniter 3.x
HMVC architecture
User registration
User Login
Login with email or username
Password reset
Avatar and logo upload
E-Mail verification for new users
Manage Users
Invite new user for registration
Restrict Public User Registration
Manage User Types
Manage permissions
Assign permission to User Type
Built using AdminLTE
Bootstrap Responsive Theme
Email Templates for Forgot Password, Invite users
SMTP Email Setting
Site Logo, Title, Favicon Change settings
MME365 second ago Hello, I need a login portal and be able to accept cryptocurrency via coinpayments for the users of my slot machine site... I also need to be able to place 2-3 ads on the site... I need my logo placed on the site with a green theme and cryptocoins as the slot machine options check it out at second ago
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