
Make Url Shorter Website With SEO and provide 5000 Real Visitors for $15

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Make Url Shorter Website With SEO and provide 5000 Real Visitors

AdLinkFly is a GDPR compliant. Earn money by starting your own monetized link shortening service, just like,, or clone scripts! Allow members to shorten links & earn money, and keep a share of the profit. AdLinkFly includes publishers who are creating short links and advertiser who are creating campaigns, referrals, withdrawals, API, translation ready,integration, reCAPTCHA integration and much more!The script works on shared, VPS and dedicated
Mighty Features
GDPR COMPLIANTA checkbox to accept the Terms of use and Privacy policy while user registrationMake personal information optional like first name, last name,...Administrator can export all user personal data like profile data, links, invoices and withdraws.Display cookie notification messageA checkbox field to contact us and support forms to accept collecting name and emailAdministrator can delete a user completely with its related links, views, campaigns, invoices and withdrawsPUBLISHERSPublishers and you can earn money by showing ads when users click on shortened linksAbility to change the CPM (Cost Per Mille, thousands) for each countryDifferent ad typesInterstitial ? Full page adBanner ? 728×90, 468×60 & 336×280PopupNo ad ? will work as redirect servise like bit.lyPublishers have access to a powerful dashboardStatistics sorted by Month & YearAuto-generated line graphsCan view, edit, and hide linksADVERTISER SYSTEMEach visitor you will purchase will meet the following criteria:Unique within a 24 hour time frameThey are not using Adblocker extenstionsThey will have JavaScript enabledThey will have Cookies enabledMust view your website for at least 5 secondsAdvertisers can create campaigns for the below adertisments:Interstitial ? Full page adBanner ? 728×90, 468×60 & 336×280PopupPop UpAdvertisers can select campaigns target sources likeDesktopMobile/tablestsAll sourcesAdvertisers can pause, resume and monitor their campaignsREFERRALS SYSTEMThe AdLinkFly referral program is a great way to spread the word of this great service and to earn even more money with your short links! Refer friends and receive 20% of their earnings for life!MEMBERS SYSTEMvisitors can sign up and activation e-mails will be sent outreCAPTCHA verification on reset password and signup pagesAllow users to reset their passwordsAllow users to change their email addressUsers can add add their billing information like first name, last name, address, country, city, state and phone numberAPI TOOLSQuick Link: Everyone can use the shortest way to shorten links with AdLinkFly.Mass Shrinker: Enter up to 20 URLs (one per line) to be shrunk and added to your accountFull Page Script: If you have a website with 100’s or 1000’s of links you want to change over to short then tool will be helpful for you.Developers API: For developers AdLinkFly prepared API which returns responses in JSON format.CAPTCHA SYSTEMEnable/Disable CaptchaEnable/Disable on Short Links PageEnable/Disable on Signup FormEnable/Disable on Forgot Password FormTRANSLATION READYEasliy translate AdLinkFly to the language of your choice.MULTILINGUAL READYVisitors can choose ftheir language from the dropdown.PAGESYou can add unlimited pages with the ability to edit and delete.GENERALMulti domains for short linksTestimonials systemSupport form for member areaAdLinkFly includes two themes: Classic and ModernAjax contact form.Copy button(No flash required anymore) for shotned linksADMINISTRATION PANELEasily accessible & make users adminsView site statistics on the dashboardChange website name & descriptionChange default site language and timezoneAdd your website logo in two versionsEnable/Disable Account Activation by EmailEnable/Disable advertising featuresChange Referral Percentage earningAbility to add Head Code into front area pagesAbility to add Head Code into Auth pages like signin, sinup, forgot password pagesAbility to add Head Code into member areaAbility to add Head Code into admin areaDisallow certain domains from be shortenedChange alias min length & max lengthEnable/Disable Interstitial AdvertisementEnable/Disable Banner AdvertisementEnable/Disable No AdvertSet default advertisement type for anonymous and membersSet counter value into short links pagesSet Mass Shrinker LimitAdmin can ads into various positions like:Member AreaCaptcha pageInterstitial Page Ad: This ad will be displayed between logo and counter.Banner 728×90Banner 468×60Banner 336×280Ability to change currency codeAbility to change Currency symbolAbility to ad Facebook Page URLAbility to ad Twitter Profile URLAbility to ad Google Plus URLSMTP email supportAbility to filter campaignsAbility to filter usersAbility to filter links


Url shorter url shorter earning php


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$15 - In stock

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