
PHP7 Corona Virus Blog Script Corona V Facts for $30

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PHP7 Corona Virus Blog Script Corona V Facts

Corona V Facts – PHP7 Corona Virus Blog Script for sell

Corona V Facts – is the most popular Corona Virus blog script and the most powerful Php7 application which is designed and developed by Rapheal Bamidele (ProCode000). It is one of the unique idea on news world. Every News agency and News
portal owner can use this application. User do not need to know single
line of coding. All in one all News and magazine features are included
inside of this application.

Direct Demo:

Main Features:

  • Valid Html5 and Css3
  • Bulit in Bootstrap v4.x
  • SEO optimized
  • Speed Optimized
  • Cross Browser Compatible
  • User Friendly Code
  • WHO ( Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Dashboard )
  • Free Google Web Fonts
  • Fully Responsive
  • Easy to Customize
  • Clean Markup
  • Creative Design
  • Well Documentation
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • 24/7 Supports
  • And much more…


  • .htaccess
  • Html5
  • Css3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Ajax
  • Bootstrap Framework
  • Php7
  • MySQL Database


  • User Page:
    1. Home
    2. Map
    3. About Us
    4. Contact Us
    5. FAQ's
    6. Login
  • Admin Page:
    • Dashboard
    • Articles:
      1. All Articles
      2. Add New
  • FAQ's:
    • All FAQ's
    • Add New
  • About
  • Contacts
  • Users:
    • All Users
    • Add New
    • Profile
  • Map [/*]


Corona Virus Blog Article News Covid


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$30 - In stock