
Mining Software to increase speed

Mining Software to increase speed

We run a small Minexcoin mining operation using Linux with Nvidia 1060 6 gb graphic cards. There are a few programs like optiminer 2.0 and a few others that increase the mining speed by 10. There are no windows versions that we are aware of.

The problem with optiminer is that is stops continuously and is not very stable.

We are looking for someone to design us a program like this for linux that is stable, and doesn't stop every hour. We want to be able to use it mining minexcoin which uses the equihash algorithm.

This program will only be for our use.

Here is a link so you can see the downloads of what we use. We use the optiminer (linux) software along with mxminer 0.20 but run them on

We are open to a higher price and will listen to any reasonable offers.


We are happy to test and give feedback to any software.
Must be able to run on linux and communicate with Nvidia 1060 graphic cards
Must increase the speed by at least 5 times.

Skills Required



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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Other