
Do you use BraveApps?

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Do you use BraveApps?

BraveApps offers many useful web related tools for your site such as blogs; contact/email forms; forums; photo albums and even speaking characters.

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I've used the BraveApps blog before. It's not bad, but nothing as good as Blogger or Wordpress. They don't let you host certain kinds of javascript or videos and that limits what you can publish. Though you can always publish Youtube videos.

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Wordpress is the best and also blogger....

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Yup, I'm using BraveApps.

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I used the guest counter on my blog. There is some limited functionality if you don't pay to upgrade such as not being able to remove advertisements which are annoying and intrusive on the apps.

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No never used BraveApps, However I do use JBCat App Maker and can pretty much do what I want, I have currently making a Golf Ebook apps, and looking making a christmas app. Its it fantastic app maker and you can get a free account for your first app.

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