
What is the code to float text / ad on side of screen?

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What is the code to float text / ad on side of screen?

I need to know what the CSS code is to add to my text box / ad box to get it to float on the left of my website and stay that at all times. What is the code to float text / ad on side of screen? If someone could reply below with the code so I can copy, then paste it, that would be most appreciated, thanks. What is the code to float text / ad on side of screen?


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Use Marquee Tag
Or Use Position:fixed So With Scroll Up And Down Ad Go With It

Could you explain that a bit more please? What is the code? What is "Marquee Tag"?

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I liked your post because Stackoverflow is the best place to look for programming / code related answers What is the code to float text / ad on side of screen?

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I have been a member there for a year now and I visit quit regularly to find quick answers or to solve problems What is the code to float text / ad on side of screen?

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