
Hidden explanatory text in style sheets

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Hidden explanatory text in style sheets

How would you place hidden text in the style sheet that does not render, such as a note to the webmaster or so the next person who views/modifies the CSS stylesheet will have guidance and direction?


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Hi Beverly,

This can actually be achieved very simply, here's an example:

/* This is a comment */

Here's an example of a common way people use these comments to split up different areas of the site CSS:

/* ----------------- Header Styling ------------------ */

These comments are not rendered in a users browser.


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As long as the comment is wrapped in /**/ it should render the style sheet in the users browser fine, otherwise you could hit bugs like some styles not applied to elements etc

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/* Hidden Text Here ----------------------------------------------- */

you can use ^ above code to hide specific text in CSS, usually this code is used to make CSS file easy to understand Hidden explanatory text in style sheets


/* Navbar desing ----------------------------------------------- */
you navbar css here!

- Sunil Bishnoi

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