Attention: The owner of this service has not logged into CodeClerks for more than 30 days. It is highly recommend that you contact them before ordering this service. Last Login: 106 days ago
Yaka v1.2 - Traffic Bot unlimited Web Traffic and views
Yaka - Traffic Bot
Enable/Disable images
Enable/Disable autoScroll
Enable/Disable clear cookies
Enable/Disable Headless Mode (run in background)
Set Proxy Mode : HTTP/SSL , SOCKS or No-Proxy
Multi threaded (more threads = more views , but might depend on the pc performance)
Set custom User-agents
Set number of loops
Set time viewing page
Gets a message if there are any updates
Video view friendly
The following video shows how the proxy work with bitly ( faster and better results with good proxies)
The Following video shows how ip is changed....
This bot will automatically view the site list under the given settings.
Set number of threads - Number of browser windows running at once.
Each window will pick a random url from the list and a random proxy and a random user agent.
Set number of loops - Number of times each thread must repeat visiting the given urls.
Each loop will assign a new proxy and a user agent.
Set Headless - Process will run in the background
(** 2 threads and 2 loops and 1 url -> the url will be visited 4 times , with 4 different proxies and user-agents)
Upon buying this software , you will get free lifetime licence and free updates of this software for life.
You can contact me anytime if there is a problem regarding this bot.
Special discounts for the first few buyers , message to get your discount coupons..!!