FAQ How many Proxies can I get ?
It depends on the number of Sources. With the given Source URLs you can scrape around 300k Proxies within 5 minutes.
Whats included with this tool?
Lifetime license for ProxyScraper software
Free Source URL list
Where can I find Source URLs?
This software will automatically get source URLs when new URLs are available.
Also you can add any web URL that contain proxies.
Why some proxies are not extracted from given URLs?
In some instances this software is not able to detect proxies in some websites. But with future updates these kind of bugs will be fixed Also you can submit the URLs that are not scraped so that we can include new methods in the future to scrape those websites.
Demo (Old Version):
Use less number of Source URLs and Threads at a time.
Some times the program might look unresponsive but it's working in the background and it won't update the number of proxies or the progress. It will automatically update them after few seconds. So please do not close the program thinking it's unresponsive !