
Ekattor School Management System for $37

Level 1
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Ekattor School Management System

1. Dashboard
a. System summary shown on the home page. Total number of
Student, Total number of Teachers, Total number of Parent,
Total number of Staff are being shown in the dashboard.
Number of students present today, recent events and
expenses of present month are also being shown in
2. Users:
a. Admin
b. Student
c. Admission
d. Teacher
e. Teacher Permission
f. Parent
g. Accountant
h. Librarian
On the documentation, we are considering Superadmin as the subject.
Most of the things what Superadmin can do, Admin can also do.
So we choose Superadmin as the subject of this application for sharing
maximum information.
- What is Admin and how to create new Admins?
- Ekattor now supports multiple admins. From the
SuperAdmin panel navigation menu, go to the Users and
select Admin. It will show you the available admins of this
system. Only Superadmin can create school Admins. Just
click on the Create Admin menu.
- How to create Student?
- From the Superadmin panel navigation menu, go to the Users
and select Student. The Superadmin will be able to see a list
of Student that has been created. On the top of the list there is
a button named “+Add new student”. On clicking that button
superadmin will see student admission page. There are 3
types of ways to create students. You can create single
student by clicking on Single Student admission, if you want
to create multiple student you can either choose Bulk Student
admission or Excel Upload. Excel upload will provide you
the opportunity to add multiple students simply by uploading
a csv file.
- How to create Teacher / Parent / Accountant / Librarian?
- Like Student Superadmin will find different option for users
from left navigation menu. Every user list has an add button
for adding users.
- How to manage Teacher Permission?
- For managing permission for teacher, first of all choose the
Teacher permission module from left sidebar menu.

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