
Weather Forecast With OpenWeather API for $29

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Weather Forecast With OpenWeather API

OverviewWeather Forecast with OpenWeather API and Google MAP APIThis is the Weather Forecast with OpenWeather API and Google MAP API for Hourly and Daily. Get Sunrise and Sunset times, Latitude and Longitude coordinates and other quick information regarding the location visited.NOW – Get to see how's the current weather in your location, alongside with the weather , humidity, wind speed and degree.
HOURLY FORECAST – Get detailed hourly weather information for a specific day, the forecast data includes the weather , humidity and temperature.Admin will login and will set the OpenWeather API and Google MAP API .FeaturesNOW – Get to see how's the current weather in your location, alongside with the weather , humidity, wind speed and degree.HOURLY FORECAST – Get detailed hourly weather information for a specific day, the forecast data includes the weather , humidity and temperature.Admin : SET OpenWeather API and Google MAP API and Default LocationRequirementsMaterial Used:HTML,CSS,JSPHP 5.6+InstructionsFront End :
if any sub folder your-folder-name
Admin Section :
if any sub folder your-folder-name /index.php/admin/loginSettings & installation guideMYSQLatabase:The database and its tables is in zip folder.In PhpMyAdmin make a database name and click browse and select *.sql file from unzipped folder and after submitting You can see all the tables there.PHP:config.php:Path :

Path :
Login with your username(email) & password stored in users tables

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daily forecast hourly forecast weather forecast


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