
I will create coming soon under construction landing page for $12

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I will create coming soon under construction landing page

--Are you looking for a professional, outstanding responsive, and Eye-catching coming soon page with the lead collect form?

Just bought Domain & hosting but don't have anything to display while you work on your new website? No problem!
I can create a fully responsive custom coming soon under construction landing page for Your website.

In this package, You will get a 1 Section page + Countdown Timer.

I can build:

➤ HTML and Dynamic Coming soon page
➤ Full-Featured Landing Page
➤ WordPress coming soon page
➤ Launching page
➤ A countdown timer
➤ opt-in form, contact form
➤ Social icons and contact info
➤ Maintenance mood on site

On the page you will get :
➤ Countdown Timer
➤ Costume made design
➤ Full Contact form
➤ Stylish font
➤ Background video or special js effects.

Why Choose Me?

I Have 3 years of experience in building WordPress coming soon / launching soon / Maintenance/landing page and under construction page for you while your website is under construction.


What's included

Source CodeResponse DesignBug Fixing


coming soon landing page website wordpress


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Quick 1 day delivery
If the seller fails to deliver the service in the specified time, the order will automatically cancel returning your funds.
Autoresponder Integration (With MailChimp/Aweber/GetResponse) 1 days $20
Optin Form 1 days $15

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$12 - In stock