
Convert Your Website To Android App With Push Notification for $5

93.4% (153)
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Convert Your Website To Android App With Push Notification

Convert Your Website To Android App With Push Notification In this Service, we’re offering you to Convert Your Any Website To Android App With Push Notification. In This Process, We Use Android Studio & Adobe Illustrator to make
your app UI more attractive and UX comfortable. The developed
application will look like as your Website and If you change to your
website then the application will be updated automatically, But some
additional thing is included for batter mobile view experience.

My Service :

  • Add App Icon
  • Splash Screen
  • Pull to refresh
  • Ad Network Integration
  • Freely Publish on Google Play Under Your Developer Account
  • Push Notification with URL and Image

Why Me:

  • Unlimited Revisions.
  • Lifetime customer support.
  • 100% Customer Satisfaction.


androidapp apps app apk websitetoapp


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