Attention: The owner of this service has not logged into CodeClerks for more than 30 days. It is highly recommend that you contact them before ordering this service. Last Login: 4086 days ago
login with facebook apps and get user related information like friends and his friend counts ,email and any other information you want you can just email me please title you message with facebook apps i'm bulding this app using codeigniter so you have the power of good framework that you can use it to develope strong app or order me to add more features for you
// example of FACEBOOK query language if you want to use (need access token)
// if you comment facebook query code friends count would not working
$access_token = $this->facebook->getAccessToken();
$fql_query_url = ''. 'fql?q=SELECT+friend_count+FROM+user+WHERE+uid=me()'. '&access_token=' . $access_token;
// example of FACEBOOK query language if you want to use (need access token)
// if you comment facebook query code friends count would not working
$access_token = $this->facebook->getAccessToken();
$fql_query_url = ''. 'fql?q=SELECT+friend_count+FROM+user+WHERE+uid=me()'. '&access_token=' . $access_token;
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