
Online Browser Strategiespiel Browsergame for $100

Level 1
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Supported Operating Systems:
Additional Requirements:
  • PHP v5.3 or higher.
  • MySQL 4.x or higher.

Online Browser Strategiespiel Browsergame

Here I sell the browser game Script Piratisland single licenseBrowser game Script Piratisland is a free online browser strategy game that takes place completely in real time!

You are the ruler of your own settlement. Construct buildings, research technologies, train warriors, build ships and fight for fame and fortune!

You play in a huge game world in which you constantly encounter new challenges. Your settlement is on an island that can host up to 4 other players. Clever players ally themselves with their island neighbors and thus have strong allies and are protected against enemy attacks!

Small overview of the game features:
- There is a lobby where you can switch to the different game worlds.
- At the beginning of the game, each player is guided through a detailed beginner's guide.
- The world consists of different islands where up to 5 players are located.
- The player can fight, trade, spy on land or water
- There is a graphic overview of settlements on which you can place your buildings as you wish (several buildings of one type can also be built)
- The world map must first be explored by the player (Fog of War).
- The game is kept clear and therefore easy to understand for newcomers.
- Additional game features (Gold Account) can be purchased.
- Admin panel for new world creation, player and world monitoring,.....

Scene: Middle Ages
Timing: real time
Round length: infinite, time, (several game worlds possible)

Programming (code):
The complete programming and design of the browser game script Piratisland comes from me. The game is built with PHP, MySQL, CSS and JavaScript. When programming, I made sure that the code remained clear and easy to understand. In total the game has about 23000 lines of code. Config files were set up for the units (military, siege weapons, fleets), in which the values ​​(costs, construction time, strength, requirements) can be easily set. New units can also be added in just a few seconds. So you don't have to change anything in the code.
The management of the game worlds is also set up. You can make every possible setting for the game worlds in the admin area (visibility, status, speeds...). It is also possible to set a start or end date for a game world.
Since I've been a freelance programmer since 2004,
was rewritten in 2017 and optimized for PHP 7.
If you are interested, I would be happy to send you example files.

You are bidding on a user license with graphics.


phpscript browsergame game strategy


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$100 - In stock