
Social Website login register profile multilang. for $15

Level 1
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Social Website login register profile multilang.

​Simple and easy to use​ and compatible with both of phones and computers and have an admin panel so u can control everything like u see in video .. its a secure website deal with session and database (mysql) and its a multiLanguage so u can add any language easily Have an admin login page and user login and register page and profile ... Have some animation like u will see on the video or the demo website

demo website :

***Admin login info***

username : admin

password : 0101Albedo10

PS: i disabled delete buttons on admin page

​- dynamic ( large and small screen)


- login and register page

-admin control panel

-profile for users

-about page

-nice animation

-work with database


i hope u can like it <3

What's included

DocumentationFree UpdatesSupportResale Rights


login register social php mysql admin multilanguage


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$15 - In stock