
Login-Reg Members Management for $15

Level 1
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Login-Reg Members Management

Secure PHP PDO Login and users management

This PHP script of login system and register users with role permission as user or admin is formed to be easily implemented into any new or current existing website to allow users or admins access to the area according permission, be able to restrict the pages from anonymous visitors, or display custom content based on the user. this system include a systems of user registration, user management, but not for content management, this only establishes a connection/session to your website with login,

This script is easy to install in your current website, you just have to upload it, run the installation and you can secure your pages with just 2 lines of code.

Demo version

You can go to the demo version to see the control panel and what settings there are.
You can login with:

Username: admin
Password: admin


Username: demo
Password: 123456


Secure Php Login Register Members Management Pdo


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$15 - In stock

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