
User, Multiple-level FAQ, Ticket System for $20

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Attention: The owner of this service has not logged into CodeClerks for more than 30 days. It is highly recommend that you contact them before ordering this service. Last Login: 2011 days ago

User, Multiple-level FAQ, Ticket System

“User, Multiple-level FAQ, Ticket System” is a web application which is written using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX. This script is used for manage user/client, FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) and Tickets. To see what script can do, view below its features:
User Management
Register user.
Login by website's account or login by social networks account (support popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter).
Send activate code via email after registration process finish.(Admin can configure send activate code via email or not).
Support get forgot password via email (reset password).
Update user's profile, change password.
Support uploading user's avatar image.
Delete user account.
Search user by user name.
Support pagination when display list of users.
Encrypt password using MD5.
Ban user (inactivate user) by user name (User cannot login when he/she is blocked (inactivate).
Support three account types: User, Moderator and Admin.
Statistic usersFAQs (Frequently Asked Question) Management
Insert, update, delete and display FAQ.
Search FAQ, disable FAQ.
Support adding attachment file for FAQ.
Support pagination when display list of FAQs and FAQ Categories.
Update number of view FAQ based on IP address of website's visitors.
Insert, update, delete, display, search, disable FAQ's categories.
Support multiple-level FAQ's categories (recursive FAQ's categories).
Support multiple kinds of displaying FAQ: one-level FAQ's category, multiple-level FAQ's categories.Supporting Ticket Management
Insert, update, delete, display, search tickets.
Support pagination when display list of canned responses, departments and tickets.
Support adding attachment file for ticket.
Insert, update, delete, display, search departments.
Insert, update, delete, display, search canned responses.
Admin assign ticket to moderator.
Close ticket by admin or moderator.
Admin can reopen ticket.Setting/Configure
Configure email template for:+ Sending activate code via email when register an account.
+ Sending forgot password email.
+ Sending ticket content when open ticket, assign ticket, close ticket, reopen ticket.
Support configure social network application account.(for login by social network account).
Configure sending activate code via email or not.
Configure web email account, Gmail account and choose what method to use for sending email.DOCUMENTATION:
Backend:Login as Administrator:
- URL:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
Login as Moderator
- URL:
- Username: moderator1
- Password: 123456
Login as User
- URL:
- Username: user2
- Password: user2


Ticket Faq User Users Department Social Canned Registration Login


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