
Order Cancel By Customer Magento 2 Extension for $41

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Order Cancel By Customer Magento 2 Extension

This scenario often comes to every customers that they might want to cancel the order after they have placed it. In the default magento process, it does not allow the customer to cancel the order from their customer panel. This is a hefty process that customer would need to contact the admin via phone, email, contact form or any other method and request the admin to cancel the order and also that this would take some time to get the order cancel process done. With our Order Cancel module for Magento 2, it makes the entire process very easy with just the click of a button. The customer can cancel the order by themselves by choosing the cancel reason and specifying in comments section whatever they want to convey to the admin and just click on the cancel button to have the order cancelled. This make it less cumbersome for both the admin as well as the customer to get the order cancel done. The admin would also get notified via mail about the cancellation done. The status of the order would automatically be updated to Cancelled status because these orders are being cancelled well before it is being stated processing by the admin. The customers can cancel their order before the admin has changed the order to processing status. This module also reduces the work of admin from manually accessing into the Admin panel for changing the order status to cancelled.

The cancel order option is being provided in 3 pages for the Customer Panel.

  1. Customer dashboard where all the recent orders are displayed.
  2. "My Orders" listing page.
  3. Order View page.
Our module provides configuration options to specify the number of hours that are allowed for the customers to cancel the order. Notification message would be displayed to the customer about how much hours within which they are allowed to cancel the order in the order success page as well as in the order cancellation form. Hence the customers are well notified about the hours left to cancel the order. The admin panel options provide control over the entire module. You can easily configure the notification message, button text and color options without the need for a developer to customize it.


  • Easy Installation & Configuration.
  • Allows customers to Cancel any pending order from the Frontend.
  • Customers can cancel orders from Recent Orders section in Customer Dashboard, My Orders page orders listing and Order View Page.
  • Admin option to select email template from the Backend and can also choose who all should be notified whenever an order is cancelled.
  • Admin can configure notice messages, button text, button color and popup color from the configuration options.
  • Compatible with Community Editions of Magento 2.x versions.
  • Admin can specify the timelimit allowed for the customers to cancel the orders.
  • Customers would be displayed about the hours left for them to cancel the order in the order success page as well as the order cancel form popup.


Order Cancel Magento2 Order Cancel Cancel Order


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