
a calender that mostly have our daily used calendar app features for $19

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a calender that mostly have our daily used calendar app features

​i write a Calendar​ app that i developed it with C ... i try to add it diffrent features​ so it become usefull

-have three calendar format :Gregorian - islamic - Jalali

-unlimited calender : from now to ... !

-every thay has two features :1-events 2-tasks ,you can make a reminder about what you like

-all data store permanentetly in file using .txt file

-manage data using dynamic memory allocation using linked list

-u can change reminder(task or events) ,add reminder,change reminder day

-events structures:



--movements day

-tasks structures:

--all i mention in events plus tasks states (done or not)

-all reminder built using structure for better understanding code

-search option:

--you can go to speciefid day and view its jalali calendar edition or islamic edition

--search in task title or events title using substring search:

---for exp if you enter code and you creat title in some task or events like codester program will show you this task or events

--title search can be in events,tasks,both task and events

--show expired task that related to gone days

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