
Online Supermarket - Ekart for $10

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Online Supermarket - Ekart

Ekart is specially designed for online buying goods experience. It has a list of products and categories pre-installed like books, movies & tv shows, Mobiles, Computer & accessories. Each of the category containing at least 30 Products within the subcategories. It also has supermarket billing system embeded in it.

Flow of the Program:

User has to select the desired products the user has an option to continue shopping or head to the checkout section.
Where an exising user can login or sign up with their email and shipment address.

An brief desciption of items in the cart with their amount and tax on each of them including GST and an bill is generated and the user is given the total amount to be paid.

The checkout section is specially designed with more than 4 checkout options like COD, credit card, debit card, etc.
Each having checking condition for credit/debit card number and the CVV code.

The user is then sent an approximate date of arrival. ending with an thank you for shopping screen.

It is the best program to sumbit for high school or college project.


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$10 - In stock

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