
Needed Backlink Services in exchang of Unique Logo

Needed Backlink Services in exchang of Unique Logo

i want Your services if you can provide.

Backlinking service
Odesk Test Service (if you can pass one odesk test for me)
Reviews Service

Whatever you provide we can make an equal trade of value in the services listed above. Almost anything listed on the sites above we can also do ourselves so if you would like something like that let me know.

Will Trade

Working in the field of graphics designing since 2002. i am able to produce uniquely designs of images, banners, logos ,raster, vector and more . I will provide you with a vector or bitmap logo based upon your description. i will provide up to four designs that you may pick from... the chosen design is yours to use as you wish.

Skills Required

Backlinks Logo Reviews Alexa Odesk Photoshop

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Make an Offer Created 11 years ago in Web