
Script TMail - Multi Domain Temporary Email for $20

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Script TMail - Multi Domain Temporary Email

TMail is simple to use, fast and mobile ready temporary email system with impressive feature set. It takes just 3 min to install TMail on your server.

You can watch video tutorial on how to install TMail here –

Live Demo:

Below are server requirements. Usually, all major hosting providers covers each and every requirement specified below.

  • Server Requirements
    1. PHP >= 7.1.3
    2. MySQL >= 5.1
    3. OpenSSL PHP Extension
    4. PDO PHP Extension
    5. Mbstring PHP Extension
    6. Tokenizer PHP Extension
    7. XML PHP Extension
    8. Ctype PHP Extension
    9. JSON PHP Extension
    10. BCMath PHP Extension
    11. IMAP PHP Extension
    12. iconv PHP Extension
    13. ZIP PHP Extension
    14. Set allow_url_fopen = ON
  • Email with IMAP Support
  • Default Email Forwarder (Catch all Email)
  • Everything which requires Laravel to runNote : New version of TMail will not work in sub directory. You can either install TMail on Sub Domain or a Proper Domain


Temporary Email temp Script Php 10


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$20 - In stock