Take this plugin A and add feature from Plugin B, Make Plugin B Feature work on the conjob same as Plugin A
Plugin A: https://codecanyon.net/item/youtube-videos-to-wordpress-posts/12836753 (I will provide plugin files)
Plugin B: https://wordpress.org/plugins/grab-youtube-subtitle/
So the end plugin will post videos from youtube with post body = to Plugin B output.
The end project is this, Plugin will pull videos from a given youtube channel or playlist and post body will be the youtube subtitles.
Video Explaining the process https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tE4etaERzjJjU3wxG2I1-z-jlyetuDXL/view
Wordpress Plugin Experience
Wordpress Conjob Experience
Finished project must work automatically to pull videos from youtube channel or playlist and set post body = to youtube video subtitles.
i can do this. share details.