
Want a Dictionary Website on Wordpress Platform

Want a Dictionary Website on Wordpress Platform

I want a dictionary website which can, Translate Hindi to English and English to hindi
please bid to this gig if you really create a website like this


A well qualified coder and designer


Skills Required

Css Code Wordpress Joomla Coding Javascript Java Webdesign Design Dictionary Programming Responsive Website Webdevelopment Css3 Webmaster Designer Ajax Jquery Bootstrap3


hi bro
am tonnie and i have over 3 years experience with wordpress web development application
please contact me if you are interested


i have a plugin that translates every language with a high precision rate.
if you interested contact me.

best regards

setup you 2 dedicated servers with high availability setup
setup you custom lamp stack or lemp stack
develop you custom dictionary site and api
integrate your site with google analytics
provide you custom domain name
get your site indexed by search engines
setup social media chanels and gain followers
advertise your site on google adwords an

i have about 2years experience working with wordpress and can build the front and backend for you using php


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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Java