Youtube Browser Based UpVoter
I would like a YouTube Comment UpVoter coded in .NET C# with the Full Source Code and your availabity to work on more Projects. I need someone who is familiar with YouTube and knows how it works deeply. The process for the application is as follows...We should input a text file with Accounts details and [url removed, login to view] binded to them in the format below...
honeNumber:Location:E-Mail|Proxy I.P
- The Comment needs to get to the TOP SECTION of the Video Comments.
- We should be able to get past the login verification parameters of YouTube. These are the things they often ask for, Location Verification, Phone Verification, Password Verification, Password Verification and Reset, Recovery E-Mail Verification, Re-Captcha Image Verification, Phone Text Code Verification or Phone Voice Verification. Each Account will have all the details in order to get passed these verifications, the ONLY ONE WE WILL NOT GET PASTED is the Phone Text Code Verification or Phone Voice Verification; Accounts that are presented with this Verification should be flagged and Logged with the reason for the failed Login.
Please Note: Sometimes 1 verification is presented during login and sometimes more 2 or more are presented during login. The application should be able to get passed all of them since we should have all of them covered. The only one it shouldnt get passed is the Phone Text Code or Phone Voice Code Verification. Otherwise nothing should hinder our Accounts from Logging into YouTube.
- A text file of URL's and Comment Usernames we will UpVote in this format... VideoURL:Username
- Set a Delay in seconds that will be used after login and in between upvoting Comments
- Application will Login and UpVote the Comments, while it UpVotes our Comments it'll also DownVote and Flag the current Top Comments in the Top Section area. It should not DownVote or Flag our Comment but it should do this to all other comment in the Top Section until we are Top. After it has finished processing it should Log off the Accounts.
- We should be able to view the Accounts, URL's and comments we have loaded into the application in some sort of Grid in the application, we should have the ability to edit the data in the grid, copy, paste and save the information.
- The Application should be NOT be Browser Based or coded wit UBOT Studio
- Support for Proxies such as HTTP, SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5 etc The ability to bind 1 I.P to 1 Account
- The Application should be written in .NET C#, Multi-Threaded, support Captcha Services such as DeathByCaptcha, DeCaptcha, ImageTyperz etc
- I will need Full Source code of the Bot
- I would like to build a long working relationship with the winning bidder so I need your commitment to work on future updates to the application and also on new projects I should be implementing.
If you do not agree to the above conditons then please do not bid, if you agree to the above conditons and can produce a working stable comment UpVoter written in .NET C# and are able to provide the source code then please bid and I look forward to working with you on this and future projects. After you've bid please send me a P.M so we can discuss this further. Metion in your Bid "AppUpVote" so I know you've at least read this description.
Youtube Browser Based UpVoter
I would like a YouTube Comment UpVoter coded in .NET C# with the Full Source Code and your availabity to work on more Projects. I need someone who is familiar with YouTube and knows how it works deeply. The process for the application is as follows...We should input a text file with Accounts details and [url removed, login to view] binded to them in the format below...
honeNumber:Location:E-Mail|Proxy I.P
- The Comment needs to get to the TOP SECTION of the Video Comments.
- We should be able to get past the login verification parameters of YouTube. These are the things they often ask for, Location Verification, Phone Verification, Password Verification, Password Verification and Reset, Recovery E-Mail Verification, Re-Captcha Image Verification, Phone Text Code Verification or Phone Voice Verification. Each Account will have all the details in order to get passed these verifications, the ONLY ONE WE WILL NOT GET PASTED is the Phone Text Code Verification or Phone Voice Verification; Accounts that are presented with this Verification should be flagged and Logged with the reason for the failed Login.
Please Note: Sometimes 1 verification is presented during login and sometimes more 2 or more are presented during login. The application should be able to get passed all of them since we should have all of them covered. The only one it shouldnt get passed is the Phone Text Code or Phone Voice Code Verification. Otherwise nothing should hinder our Accounts from Logging into YouTube.
- A text file of URL's and Comment Usernames we will UpVote in this format... VideoURL:Username
- Set a Delay in seconds that will be used after login and in between upvoting Comments
- Application will Login and UpVote the Comments, while it UpVotes our Comments it'll also DownVote and Flag the current Top Comments in the Top Section area. It should not DownVote or Flag our Comment but it should do this to all other comment in the Top Section until we are Top. After it has finished processing it should Log off the Accounts.
- We should be able to view the Accounts, URL's and comments we have loaded into the application in some sort of Grid in the application, we should have the ability to edit the data in the grid, copy, paste and save the information.
- The Application should be NOT be Browser Based or coded wit UBOT Studio
- Support for Proxies such as HTTP, SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5 etc The ability to bind 1 I.P to 1 Account
- The Application should be written in .NET C#, Multi-Threaded, support Captcha Services such as DeathByCaptcha, DeCaptcha, ImageTyperz etc
- I will need Full Source code of the Bot
- I would like to build a long working relationship with the winning bidder so I need your commitment to work on future updates to the application and also on new projects I should be implementing.
If you do not agree to the above conditons then please do not bid, if you agree to the above conditons and can produce a working stable comment UpVoter written in .NET C# and are able to provide the source code then please bid and I look forward to working with you on this and future projects. After you've bid please send me a P.M so we can discuss this further. Metion in your Bid "AppUpVote" so I know you've at least read this description.