BBoard - Online forum, Discussions boom board cms sacript
BBoard is online forum cms script, it is so stable, easy to use, pretty and powerful. It`s written in php, mysqli without
any php framework. Smart people said "Everything simple is ideal". So, I
know nothing is ideal in life but I think it stands out, I spent quite a
lot of time on this would not to be probable. It`s Friendly with Open
Graph as it nice to share theads and I also took a little care of SEO.
With all of this I thought about the charm that old forums had I mean
Classic design. But Nowadays we have more requirements Therefore I
designed BBoard Classic and responsive.
- Responsive design
- Unicode UTF8
- Nice fonts
- Security fixes against sql injection
We have 4 levels of user:
- Level 1 - Common user
- Level 2 - Moderator
- Level 3 - Administrator
- Level 4 - CEO (Site Owner)
Users can:
- add topics with polling, or without polling
- Post easy using the wiswig editor
- Upload files
- Use bb codes for: images, videos, codes and etc.
- Use one hundred and twenty smiles
- Edit and delete post only while a few minutes (You can change time limit)
- Manage profile easy
- Upload avatar
- Upload cover
- Update user info: E-mail address, Sex, Signature...
- Send and receive pirate messages.
- Receive notification if someone reply to your post.
- See rules
- See Online users
- See staff members
- See users list
- Search topics
- Search posts
- Search users
- Recovery password
User who`s level is 2,3 or 4 can:
- close topic
- Edit topic
- Move topic
- Delete topic
- Edit post
- Edit user info
- Delete post
- Block user for violating the rules
- Unblock user
User who`s level is 3 or 4 can:
- Everything I said already
- Login to the Control panel
- Add, edit, delete announcements
- Add, edit delete advertisements at the top of categories
- Add, edit delete advertisements at the bottom of categories
- Add, edit delete advertisements at the top of "Active topics"
- Add, edit delete advertisements at the bottom of statistics.
- Add forums
- Edit forums
- Delete forums
- Add, edit forum description
- Move forum to another category
- Add category
- Edit category
- Disable category
- Delete category
- Manage users, full control
- Add smiles
- Add Edit smiles
- Edit smiles
- Delete smiles
- Edit site name
- Edit slogan
- Edit total news on main page
- Edit total active topics on main page
- Edit forum rules
- Edit meta description
- Edit meta keywords
- And etc.
Instalation step by step- Upload script, extract files to server (FTP) in root directory
- Go to phpmyadmin, create new database and upload bboard.sql
- Back to ftp, go to /root/system and edit, configure connect.php
For details: Instruction inside.