
Interspace - Secure PHP/AJAX Contact System with Control Panel for $5

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Interspace - Secure PHP/AJAX Contact System with Control Panel

What is it?
Interspace is a secure PHP/AJAX contact form system which allows you can read your mails from your control panel like webmail. The script was developed to make sending and reading messages more easier and make it user friendly. It's easy and straightforward to set up, and can be integrated into your website or application with one simple line of code!

Main Features
- Completely AJAX Powered. No page refresh. Save your bandwidth!
- Very easy to integrate into any website or application with only one line code.
- Supports themes. You can design your own theme with CSS easily. Included 2 themes and responsive.css free
- Supports three different captcha types. You are also able to use your own captcha words too.
- Control Panel like webmail, you are also able to read, archivate, delete messages and more.
- Does not require any Database, POP3, IMAP or SMTP Server.
- One Settings page to configure all.
- Supports bad words replacements.
- Contact form in Lightbox.
- Uses Javascript jQuery for an amazing UI.
- Works in all major browsers.
- Plus much more!

Server Requirements
- PHP server (supports either PHP4, PHP5.x)
- PHP GD library (for creating captcha images)

Thank you very much for purchasing Interspace, Your reviews, suggestions and ratings will inspire us to provide you quality service. Please feel free to contact us at ANYTIME for professional assistance!


Php Contact Ajax Javascript Email Send Form Control Write


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Nice script friend! Good luck with sales!

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$5 - In stock

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