
Softexpochats A Chatting App + Private Network for $79

100% (3)
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Softexpochats A Chatting App + Private Network

Softexpochats A Chatting App + Private Network

A Chatting App. World wide video calls as well as text/image chats with Push notifications, as well as proper incoming/outgoing notifications-ringtones...
You can Create Your Own Network and expand your network as large as you want.


  • Android Studio
  • Android Phone
  • Firebase Console Account
  • Basic Knowledge of android programming
Top Features
  • SplashScreen
  • Retrieve Password
  • Push Notifications
  • DateTime feature
  • Seen/Sent features
  • Users Profile
  • Profile and Cover photo
  • Online/Offline feature
  • Image Sharing
  • Unsend Messages
  • Chat Lists
  • Live Search
  • Turn/Stun Servers
  • call Interface
What you will get ?
  • Android studio source code
  • Full documentation
  • 24×7 support ( You can Message Anytime. we will reply within 48 Hours.)

What's included

DocumentationResale Rights


chat app video call text image


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$79 - In stock