8 years ago
Программа работает не плохо, но она не качает alexa rank, возможно автор скоро все исправит, но на данный момент софт - сырой.
Зря только потратил 19$.

The program works not bad, but it does not swing alexa rank, perhaps the author soon everything right, but at the moment the software - crude. I should not only spent $ 19.

According to one of the customer rewievs at Clerks, it does work for Alexa, interestingly enough, at first he seemed convinced too that bot doesn't work for Alexa, but after running it for a few days, he started seeing the results. My 5 cents: if it worked for one person, it should, probably, for everyone, no need to project your disability on the software. Granted, I myself never used MSV for Alexa rating. Shame, though, that you seem to have a trouble with it and Alexa.